• NOAA Fisheries Science Plan for Offshore Wind Available

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) has developed a strategic science plan to address the effects of offshore wind development along the U.S. West Coast. The plan demonstrates ongoing efforts to understand the impact of offshore wind on fisheries and marine ecosystems and identifies research priorities and opportunities to advance understanding of offshore wind’s impact on fisheries. More information is available here. The plan can be found here.

This website is intended to provide general information about the goals and status of the New York State Fisheries Technical Working Group. Additionally, it will offer access to resources related to offshore wind and fisheries and provide an avenue to provide comments on related issues.

What is the Fisheries
Technical Working
Group (F-TWG)?

The Fisheries Technical Working Group (F-TWG) is a group of commercial fisheries representatives and offshore wind energy developers who provide guidance and advice on how to responsibly implement New York State’s efforts to advance offshore wind energy development. State and federal fisheries managers also are engaged in this group to provide technical experience and assist with coordination. Recognizing the complexity of the fishing industry in the New York Bight, F-TWG members come from a regional geography, with fishing community representatives from New England and the Mid-Atlantic.

F-TWG Mission

The mission of the F-TWG is to provide guidance to help steer New York State’s efforts to advance offshore wind energy development in an environmentally responsible way. New York State has established the goal of 9,000 MW of installed offshore wind energy capacity by 2035. The F-TWG is intended to assist in the development of this offshore wind energy in a way that protects the state’s and region’s valuable fisheries and fishing communities.

F-TWG Objectives
  • Enhance communication and coordination between the fishing community and offshore wind industry developers to encourage a two-way flow of information.
  • Disseminate information regarding existing data, research, and information sources to fishing communities and the offshore wind energy industry.
  • Support scientific and technical research to address issues related to offshore wind energy project planning, siting, construction, operation, monitoring, or related topics using F-TWG feedback to support research priorities and project scoping.

Who are the F-TWG Members?

The F-TWG is led by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) in consultation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The working group includes members from the fishing industry and wind energy developers. Fishery members were selected to represent the range of species and gear types offshore who may or will be affected by offshore wind energy development. Developer members are those with an active lease in related waters. Participants also include representatives of state agencies in the region as well as federal agencies with jurisdiction over fisheries management (fishery councils), fisheries science (NMFSC and GARFO), and offshore wind development planning and permitting (BOEM). To view the current F-TWG roster click here or contact us.

F-TWG Framework

The F-TWG Framework describes the mission, objectives, and tasks proposed for the Fisheries Technical Working Group as part of New York State’s efforts to advance the responsible and cost-effective development of offshore wind energy to achieve the Governor’s goal of 9,000 MW of installed capacity by 2035. To view the full framework document click here.